Saturday, May 17, 2014

Small potatoes

No major new creations this week. I think I spent all my efforts on the Thatcher Natatorium and Gymnasium. So last night I spent some quality Sims time finishing up one small project--Benton's Supermarket--and tweaking an existing Riverview lot--the Gazebo.

Completing Benton's is no major accomplishment: The '50s-'60s fabulous supermarket is a preexisting structure available in build mode in Sims 3. All I did was minor stuff--building a parking lot, adding some trees and a fire hydrant, and making the lot look more "service-oriented" with a loading zone and refuse dump. I also added a farmer's market stand and some wheelbarrows of produce, a part of the Al Fresco Street Market venue, a recent purchase from the Sims Store.

If I were to do it again, I'd move the refuse dump to the back of the building, but I made the lot a little too small. I was trying to match the lot size with others on the same street in an outer part of Riverview, a location that I'm' trying to turn (slowly) into a suburban strip shopping area.

I have other plans for this Riverview/Clemmons Landing strip district--Langhorne's, a department store, a recreation of something I built in Sims 2; a Chinese restaurant and a 1950s-styled diner; a pet store perhaps; a health club and spa; and whatever else comes to mind. All of which will take some time to accomplish.

So in the meantime, I'll focus on the small stuff--like Benton's Supermarket and some tiny tweaks to the Gazebo, adding a farmer's market stand there, too, a lemonade stand, and a bandstand for outdoor concerts.

With all this farm-standing, I better get busy creating a farm to supply the operation. Maybe that's my next big building endeavor.

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